Ladies, let’s be real. Once we hit 40, things start… shifting. Parts of our body we didn’t even know could shift decide to pack up and move south, gravity has officially thrown in the towel, and somehow our skin thinks we’re in need of a fresh batch of  “laugh lines.” (Thanks, life.) But here’s the thing: our bodies, in all their glorious, gravity-defying madness, are still amazing. You just need to learn how to love that midlife masterpiece you’re rockin’! And no, it doesn’t require giving up carbs, wine, or your sanity.

Your Body is a Warrior... Treat it Like One

First off, give your body some damn credit. It’s gotten you this far! You’ve survived childbirth (or avoided it with ninja-like reflexes), managed to keep your job while juggling kids, pets, and that one hobby you swore you’d keep up with, and yet… here you are. Still standing. Your body is like a well-worn pair of jeans — they might be a little stretched out in places, but damn if they aren’t comfy and perfectly you.

Ditch the 'Before and After' Mentality

You’re not a ‘before’ picture that’s trying to be an ‘after.’ You’re a freaking ‘now,’ and that’s pretty damn spectacular. Can we just stop comparing ourselves to the 25-year-old versions of us? News flash: we were a hot mess back then too, just in different ways. Our bodies tell a story, and guess what? That story includes laugh lines, a few love handles, and maybe a scar or two. Wear them like the badges of badassery they are.

Fitness Isn’t a Punishment, It’s a Celebration

Alright, so here’s the thing: exercise is not a form of medieval torture. (Well, unless you’re doing burpees, but let’s skip those, shall we?) Moving your body isn’t about shrinking it into some unattainable standard — it’s about celebrating what your body can do. Walking, yoga, dance parties in the kitchen (with or without a glass of Pinot), all of it counts! Find something you enjoy and do it because you can, not because you’re punishing yourself for that donut you inhaled this morning. (No shame. We’ve all been there.)

Buy Clothes That Fit the Body You Have Today

Listen, you don’t have to squeeze into those jeans from 2010 just to prove a point. Clothing sizes? They’re just numbers, not a report card on your self-worth. Toss out the clothes that make you feel like a sausage in a casing and invest in outfits that make you strut. Comfortable and fabulous is the new black. And yes, leggings count as pants. And skinny jeans are still in style if you feel sexy in them. (Let’s put those debates to rest, shall we?)

Treat Yourself Like You Treat Your Bestie

Would you ever talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself? Hell no! You’d tell her she’s a total goddess, even if her boobs are a little closer to her waist than they used to be. So, why are you being so hard on yourself? Next time you catch yourself thinking something negative about your body, stop and ask, “Would I say that to my best friend?” If the answer is no, then seriously, you better check that attitude and replace it with some damn kindness.

Wine. Dark Chocolate. Repeat.

Look, self-love isn’t all kale salads and green juices. Sometimes it’s curling up on the couch with a glass of wine, a block of dark chocolate, and binge-watching your favorite mind-numbing Netflix show. Life is about balance, and there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to the things that make you happy. Because happiness? That shows up on your face a lot more than obsessing over macros and calorie counting ever will.

Embrace the Fact That Confidence is Sexy

Here’s the secret no one told us in our 20s: confidence is way hotter than any number on a scale. You don’t need six-pack abs to turn heads — you just need to own the space you’re in. When you walk into a room like you’ve got the secret to eternal happiness (or at least the Wi-Fi password), people notice. Confidence is magnetic. Remember, you’re pulling everyone into your orbit.

Laugh Your Ass Off (Literally, if That’s Your Cardio)

If there’s one thing that’s gonna keep you feeling young, it’s humor. Laugh at the fact that your boobs and your knees have an ongoing battle to see who will touch the ground first. Laugh at the fact that your metabolism packed up and retired early. Laugh at the wrinkles, the stretch marks, and the “WTF is that?” moments you have in the mirror. Life’s too short to take all this seriously, and besides, laughter is the best workout you can get.

So, here’s the deal: learning to love your midlife body isn’t about trying to make it something it’s not. It’s about embracing the beauty in where you are right now. You’ve earned every curve, every wrinkle, and every sag. And guess what? You’re still a total badass. So, raise a glass, put on some comfy joggers, and toast to the fact that your 40+ body is here to stay — and it’s more fabulous than ever.

And if anyone disagrees? They can kiss your wonderfully aging, still fabulous, stretch-marked ass.

xo, Kimberly